Congratulations on being the volunteer spotlight of the month! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

“I have lived in Colorado since 2006 when I moved from my hometown of Cape Girardeau, MO. I have a BS in Biology from Southeast Missouri State University and my Masters of Clinical Mental Health and Counseling from Denver Seminary. I have a small private practice where I see clients with eating disorders. I also do advocacy work for eating disorders through my social media pages @livinginthehotpink, by guest blogging, doing my own blogging (, podcast interviews, and guest speaking at treatment centers and at other events. In addition to being a therapist, I work in Human Resources for a company in Boulder, CO. I am in my recovery from an eating disorder and think it is important to be transparent. I hope by being open, I can encourage others to know that recovery really is possible!”

How long have you been volunteering with EDF?

“I started volunteering at EDF in 2012 and have attended every gala (last year virtually). I am the volunteer coordinator for the gala. I have co-facilitated the Friends & Family group and currently have facilitated the Adolescent Group for the past three years.”

Why did you chose to volunteer at EDF?

“I used to live in a mountain town two hours away from EDF that had zero eating disorder support. During my eating disorder recovery journey, driving from the mountains to EDF on Saturdays and attending group was crucial in my recovery. It gave me a community to belong to and the support I needed. I decided to volunteer, because I wanted to give back in the ways that were given to me. Once I found myself in a space of solid recovery, I wanted to facilitate groups and offer hope to others struggling with an eating disorder.”

What are you top values and why?

“My top values are:

1. Faith

2. Connection

3. Honesty

4. Community

5. Nature

These are my top values because they embody who I am and the kind of person I want to be. My faith is the foundation of my being, while connection, honesty, and community all relate to relationships. My friendships are very important to me. Finally, nature, I feel most like myself when I’m hiking through the mountains or skiing down a mountain. There is so much beauty in the world, especially in Colorado. My values keep me grounded and rooted in life and help guide my decisions.”

What do you like to do on your free time?

“You can find me on top of a mountain summer or winter. I love hiking, skiing, and snowshoeing. I also enjoy journaling, playing guitar, and drinking lattes with my friends at cozy coffee shops while having meaningful conversations.”

Inspired by Mindy’s story? Become a support group facilitator!