The Colorado Alliance for Size Equity (CASE)

Founding Members and Steering Committee:

The Eating Disorder Foundation

Over the past several years, it has become clear that that the eating disorder field has failed to recognize its ongoing harm to fat people and the wider community. The eating disorder community will never move forward in our pursuit of the prevention and elimination of eating disorders as long as we act as though we should try to turn fat bodies into thin ones, and fail to consider the harm done when we do. For this reason, EDF expects to include more education and awareness efforts regarding weight stigma.

The Campaign for Size Freedom

NAAFA and Law Office of Brandie Solovay’s FLARE Project, supported by Dove, launched the Campaign for Size Freedom to end body size discrimination. The campaign will strengthen legal protections and shift cultural narratives about body size through education, advocacy, and corporate social responsibility. 

Learn more

NAAFA (National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance)

Founded in 1969, the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) is a non-profit, all volunteer, fat rights organization dedicated to protecting the rights and improving the quality of life for fat people.

The mission of the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance is to change perceptions of fat and end size discrimination through advocacy, education, and support.

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FLARE (Fat Legal Advocacy, Rights, & Education)

Fat Legal Advocacy, Rights, and Education (FLARE!) is a project of Solovay Law. They are dedicated to making the lives of higher-weight/fat individuals better through advocacy, legal action, and education.

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Aimee Resnick Consulting LLC

Aimee Resnick Consulting LLC is dedicated to providing attentive advocacy services across Colorado. With a deep understanding of our unique political landscape, I help my clients represent interests in diverse areas such as bullying and harassment, mental health promotion, and body size equity. To inquire about my services, please email

The Body Activists

Our mission is to encourage conversations around bodies, educate about the risks of stigma and negative body image, promote leadership, and pursue action through elevating underrepresented voices and challenging the status quo.

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The mission of CASE is to close financial, social, education, and healthcare access gaps for those impacted by size discrimination.


Our vision is to encourage equity, justice, inclusion, and engagement among people of all sizes in Colorado.


Our advocacy initiative focuses on raising awareness about body size discrimination, challenging societal norms that perpetuate it, and fostering a culture of acceptance and appreciation for diverse body types. We will advocate for statewide policy reforms and legislation that create or strengthen civil rights protections from size discrimination.

Core Values

 CASE recognizes that body size discrimination has a disproportionate impact on marginalized populations (see below). CASE is committed to an intersectional approach to fat activism, and we work in partnership with local and national stakeholders to end oppression on the basis of weight, height, and/or body size. CASE initiatives do not advocate in favor of weight loss interventions or for attempts to eliminate fatness. CASE advocates for and supports dignity, autonomy, and civil rights for individuals of all sizes.

Size discrimination stems from, and intersects with, racism, ableism, economic injustice, and other inequitable systems. It leads to societal biases and systemic injustices, excluding Coloradans from equal rights and equal opportunity.

Despite growing awareness of body positivity movements, negative stereotypes and discriminatory practices persist. The need for comprehensive advocacy efforts to challenge these societal attitudes and foster acceptance has never been greater. By addressing this issue head-on, we can build a society where everyone is treated fairly and inclusively, regardless of their body size. People of every size will be compensated fairly for their work, receive high-quality medical care, and be comfortable in all public spaces.

Federal law does not explicitly prohibit size discrimination. We firmly believe that every Coloradan should live in liberation from systemic oppression. Colorado can lead the nation by using policy and community engagement to close systemic gaps and grow financial, social, political, and cultural capital for those who face size discrimination.

To build a more inclusive and equitable society, it is crucial to challenge and dismantle biases on the basis of body size. It is our collective responsibility to create a world where weight and height do not dictate one’s worth or limit opportunities for health and happiness.

Factsheet: Making a Case for Legislation to End Size Discrimination

Legislative Action

HB24-1285: Student Weight-Based Bullying Prevention has passed and is on its way to the Governor’s desk.  This policy will protect students from being bullied based on their weight, height, or body size.

SB24-054: Diabetes Prevention and Obesity Treatment Act  will require insurance companies to cover weight loss interventions such as behavioral or lifestyle therapy, bariatric surgery, and GLP-1 medications such as Ozempic. Although CASE supports the autonomy of higher weight people to access the care of their choice, we are concerned about the unintended negative consequences of such a policy. CASE is advocating to amend the policy to add protections against weight loss mandates and discrimination acainst fat people. 

Weight and height discrimination are pervasive in the workforce:

Size discrimination creates serious economic disparity. Larger workers often face employment discrimination, experiencing fewer educational opportunities, lower hiring rates, lower wages, limited career prospects, reduced advancement opportunities and promotions, unequal treatment, harassment, lost productivity, decreased job satisfaction, reduced health benefits, and more, leading to economic disparities. 93% of employers would hire a thin employee over a higher-weight employee with the same qualifications. Higher-weight women earn $9,000 less annually than their smaller peers.

Weight discrimination is ableist and negatively affects healthcare:

Despite the Affordable Care Act claiming “obesity” as a pre-existing condition, 26% of fat individuals were denied health insurance at work due to their weight status. 24% of nurses say they are “repulsed” by higher-weight people; over 50% of doctors find fat patients “awkward, ugly, weak-willed, and unlikely to comply with treatment.” Furthermore, 61% of fat adults report receiving inappropriate comments about their weight from doctors in emergency situations. The fear of stigma and discrimination may deter individuals from seeking necessary healthcare, leading to delayed diagnoses and inadequate treatment. Weight normativity conflates thinness with health, and further conflates health with moral virtue. It assumes that there is a universal standard of health, and that it is within reach of every individual, regardless of chronic conditions, health goals, eating habits, activity level, physical limitations, sleep habits, cultural norms, access to food, or financial considerations. Fat individuals with mobility impairments or chronic illnesses may face blame for their conditions due to their weight. Further, conditions unrelated to weight may be missed or ignored, as fat individuals are often encouraged or pressured to lose weight while being denied specialist visits, imaging, medications, surgeries, or other treatment. These views also ignore the fundamental fact that all individuals are worthy and deserving of healthcare, whether they are “healthy” or not. Health status should never be used to judge, oppress, or determine the value of an individual.

Weight and height discrimination can be fatal:

Weight normativity contributes to the marginalization of individuals with diverse body types, leading to body dissatisfaction, self-image concerns, disembodiment, hypervigilance, and loss of safety. Weight and height discrimination lead to social exclusion, body shaming, and bullying, depriving people of a sense of belonging and community support. The cumulative effects of weight-based stigma are shown to increase mortality and decrease life span. Stress caused by discrimination and weight-based identity threat may contribute to the development of chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, weight-based discrimination has been shown to increase the incidence of all types of eating disorders. Disordered eating is one of the deadliest mental illnesses, second only to opioid overdose. 9% of the US population will have an eating disorder in their lifetime, and 26% of those afflicted will attempt suicide. In 2023, 70% of EDF’s community members struggling with eating disorders reported that the quality of their mental health treatment was negatively impacted because of weight-based measures, causing denial of care or early termination of care; another 15% reported that weight-based shame or stigma prevented them from seeking treatment at all.

Size discrimination systematically targets communities of color:

Weight stigma is rooted in and inextricable from racism, anti-Blackness, and anti-Indigeneity. Communities of Color are disproportionately impacted by all aspects of size discrimination. Like height, the percentage of higher weight people differs by race/ethnicity, thus body size discrimination can create a legal loophole that masks otherwise illegal race/ethnicity discrimination. By failing to address weight and height discrimination, we fail to serve Colorado’s BIPOC communities.

Have you experienced size discrimination?

Are these efforts happening anywhere else?

Weight discrimination has been banned in Michigan since 1976, with the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act. In Washington, people in larger bodies are covered through disability protections. A handful of jurisdictions protect against size discrimination: Binghamton, NY; Madison, Wisconsin; San Francisco, California; Santa Cruz, CA; Urbana, Illinois; Washington, DC; and, most recently, New York, NY. Similar efforts are currently underway in Massachusetts.

Learn more about these efforts

Who is affected?

Size discrimination impacts EVERYONE, especially: higher-weight people, workers, minority and marginalized communities, low income individuals, disabled and chronically ill communities, LGBTQIA+ communities, short-stature people, children and adolescents, individuals with eating disorders, older people, carceral populations, parents, pregnant people, families involved in the child welfare system, immigrants, survivors of sexual violence, survivors of trauma, citizens of indigenous reservation communities, religious minorities, and neurodivergent people.

Statistics you should know:

Body size discrimination harmed 34 million Americans in 2019.

Nearly 75% of people surveyed in the United States support legislation to prohibit body size discrimination.

Over 77% of Coloradans are higher-weight and susceptible to weight-based discrimination and bias in all aspects of their lives