July 19, 2019 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
The Eating Disorder Foundation
1901 E 20th Ave
CO 80205

Historical Trauma and Eating Disorders

a talk by Gloria Lucas of Nalgona Positivity Pride


July 19th at 6:30PMThe Eating Disorder Foundation

1901 E 20th Ave, Denver, CO 80205


Space is limited! Please RSVP at info@eatingdisorderfoundation.org or 303-322-3373


For the past 30 years, eating disorders have been represented as a white, middle-class phenomenon. Due to the lack of representation of people of color and indigenous populations with troubled eating, these communities suffer from high rates of undiagnosed conditions, inaccessible treatment and culturally insensitive practices within the eating disorder world/community itself. In this presentation, participants will have the ability to evaluate eating disorders through a social justice lens that centers the experiences of people of color and indigenous descent people. Participants will learn about historical trauma, and the white-thin-cis-hetero industrial complex. Furthermore, the facilitator will explore the legacies of colonialism on self-esteem, body-image, and food.

Sponsored by EDCare and Eating Recovery Center, in collaboration with the Eating Disorder Foundation, Gaudiani Clinic, and Project Heal.

About Nalgona Positivity Pride

Nalgona Positivity Pride (NPP) is a xicana-indigenous body-positive organization that provides intersectional eating disorders education and community-based support for people of color who are struggling with troubled eating and poor body-image. After not seeing her own experiences reflected and the lack of cultural awareness in the eating disorder world, Gloria Lucas started NPP in 2014 out of an urgent need to create a platform for communities of color and indigenous-descent communities who struggle alone. Gloria first-hand experienced the isolation that comes with being a person of color with an eating disorder and the absence of services for low-income people.

NPP’s line of work focuses on uncovering the impacts of colonialism, social oppression, historical trauma and its role in impairing relationships indigenous-descent people have with food and body-image. NPP’s goal is to help people of color and indigenous descent folks find education and resources for self-empowering, resistance, and healing.

Learn more