January 28, 2021 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Mindfulness Matters

What is the deal with mindfulness?
Why are so many people talking about it these days?
Most importantly…can it really make a difference in your life?

The simple answer is that it can, and the scientifically proven list of benefits including less stress, greater calm, increased attention span and improved relationships, continues to grow. The good news is that mindfulness is simple. It is not always easy, but anybody can begin the practice and feel its positive effects relatively quickly.

This interactive and fun mindfulness training will:
• Help demystify mindfulness, providing research and information on what it is and is not.
• Discuss how meditation plays into mindfulness.
• Include a minute or two of simple practice to experience mindfulness for yourself.
• Provide ideas to increase your mindfulness in daily life.

*Great for any level of experience.

When: Thursday, January 28th
Time: 5:00-6:00 PM MT
Cost: Free
Where: Zoom Platform
Who: All are welcome!

RSVP today by sending an email to info@eatingdisorderfoundation.org and receive the Zoom link.

Deirdre Maloney helps organizations exceed their goals and helps their people sleep better at night. She does it through her work as an international trainer, group facilitator and published author. Deirdre has been a contributing writer for such publications as Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Inc. She has used her personal brand of “mild audacity” to present hundreds of keynotes, workshops and trainings around the world. She is a long-time meditator and mindfulness practitioner. You can learn more about Deirdre at www.makemomentum.com