January 25, 2019 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am
The Eating Disorder Foundation
1901 E 20th Ave.
CO 80205
Please join us Friday, January 25th from 9-11 AM at the Eating Disorder Foundation for our first Coffee & Conversation event of 2019!
Come learn from Hannah Turnbull, RDN and Michele Cooper, LCSW as they dismantle diet culture and show us how to adopt the principles of intuitive eating.
Space is limited, please RSVP
Email: sscanga@eatingdisorderfoundation.org or call 303-322-3373

Hannah Turnbull is a non diet, health at every size (HAES) registered dietitian nutritionist who helps clients navigate their relationship to food and their body, and learn what nourishment means for them. She blogs on her website www.nourishedwithhannah.comand you can find her dismantling diet culture one post at a time on instagram at @HannahRDN. She is obsessed with her dog Bennett and spends far too much time consuming media and coffee.
Michele Cooper, LCSW is a therapist in private practice in Denver, CO. Michele specializes in working with adults and teens struggling with eating disorders, disordered eating, body image issues, anxiety and trauma. She utilizes evidence-based treatments such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness, and EMDR. Michele provides both group and individual counseling in her practice, CORtherapy at Elevate Counseling and Community Center.